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Today’s question: “Fail safe” in reference to a modern scuba regulator means:.
A: the regulator is so reliable, it is nearly impossible that it can fail.
B: the regulator will shut down if a diver exceeds safe limits.
C: all known instances of failure have not caused an accident.
D: if it fails, it free-flow rather than shuts off all air.
Send your answer to or post it here. The Winner will be announced, tomorrow 27th of June at 12:00 noon Thailand time, just before we post the next question.
The Correct Answer of June 25rd Quiz is: C: 43th / 1982. Today’s Winner is Britta Dildei from Zermatt, Switzerland. Congratulations on entering the final Lucky Draw on July 1st.
Dear friends, T
Today’s question: “Fail safe” in reference to a modern scuba regulator means:.
Correct answer:
D: if it fails, it free-flow rather than shuts off all air.
Hopefully it never happens to you.
From sunny Germany,