Question 19 of 30, Dive Asia June Quiz, 19th of June 2010:

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Today’s question: which was the world’s first fully electronic decompression dive computer?:

A: Orca-Edge
B: SOS Decometer
C: Suunto SME-ML
D: Hans Hass DecoBrain

Send your answer to or post it here. The Winner will be announced, tomorrow 20th of June at 12:00 noon Thailand time, just before we post the next question.

The Correct Answer of June 18th Quiz is: C: swimmer’s ear. Todays Winner is Alexander Kleppe. Congratulations on entering the final Lucky Draw on July 1st.

first dive comp

One thought on “Question 19 of 30, Dive Asia June Quiz, 19th of June 2010:

  1. Hallo Liebes Diva Asia Team,

    hoffe ich kann bald wieder mit euch zusammen in Phuket tauchen.

    Die heutige Antwort = A: Orca-Edge

    Grüsse aus dem kalten Hessen,


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