Question 28 of 30, Dive Asia June Quiz, 28th of June 2010:

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Today’s question: Silent bubbles are:

A: small bubbles in the bloodstream after a dive that do not cause decompression sickness.
B: bubbles that accumulate under the skin and causes subcutaneous emphysema.
C: bubbles that interfere with the nerve transmission and cause narcosis.
D: bubbles found anywhere a barotraumas occurs.

Send your answer to or post it here. The Winner will be announced, tomorrow 29th of June at 12:00 noon Thailand time, just before we post the next question.

The Correct Answer of June 27th Quiz is: B: Austria vs Germany. Today’s Winner is Peter Henfling from Hamburg in Germany. Congratulations on entering the final Lucky Draw on July 1st.

One thought on “Question 28 of 30, Dive Asia June Quiz, 28th of June 2010:

  1. Dear Friends, Hallo Dive Asia Team,

    Question 28 of 30, Dive Asia June Quiz, 28th of June 2010:

    A: small bubbles in the bloodstream after a dive that do not cause decompression sickness.

    From sunny and hot Germany,


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