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Today’s question: Carbon monoxide bonds with hemoglobin over _____ times more readily than oxygen can, and takes _____ for the circulatory system to eliminate it:
A: 200 / 8 – 12 hours
B: 100 / 4 – 6 hours
C: 50 / 2 – 4 hours
D: 20 / 30 minutes
Send your answer to or post it here. The Winner will be announced, tomorrow 24th of June at 12:00 noon Thailand time, just before we post the next question.
Q 22 is closed! The Correct Answer of June 22th Quiz is: B: the exhaled air is released directly into the water. Todays Winner is Mats Kaellman from Sweden. Congratulations on entering the final Lucky Draw on July 1st.
Hallo to Phuket,
Question 23 of 30, Dive Asia June Quiz, 23th of June 2010
Today’s question: Carbon monoxide bonds with hemoglobin over _____ times more readily than oxygen can, and takes _____ for the circulatory system to eliminate it:
A: 200 / 8 – 12 hours
from sunny Germany.